Pesquisador do LARHUD em Estocolmo

Oldimar Cardoso, pesquisador do LARHUD, integrante de nossa rede, apresentou na última semana seu trabalho intitulado Global History and globalwashing: an ashemed eurocentrism? no International Network for Theory of History, Stockholm, ocorrido em Estocolmo, na Suécia.

Oldimar, se dedica mais integralmente ao campo da História Digital e desenvolveu um código capaz de auxiliá-lo na análise de corpus textuais de coleções de publicações de periódicos disponibilizados online. A ferramenta além de apontar uma análise quantitativa da incidência de palavras, propõe perguntas simples, porém relevantes, considerando o conteúdo e a semântica desses mesmos corpus.


Sobre o trabalho, abaixo segue o abstract:

Global History and globalwashing: an ashamed Eurocentrism?

The term greenwashing was coined by Jay Westervelt in a 1986 essay regarding the hotel industry’s practice of placing placards in each room promoting reuse of towels to save the environment. This term is used since then to describe products and policies which spend more time advertising that operates with consideration for the environment than operating in this way. The aim of this contribution is to ask if historians whose declare to do Global History are doing something we could call actually global or if some of them are just promoting the reuse of their towels. As it is not political correct a self-declaration as Eurocentrism supporter, some historians can just use the label Global History to sell some mainstream Eurocentric historical narrative in a global packing. This research uses Digital Humanities methods to create semantic networks and a temporal network of the whole corpus of the Journal of Global History (all editions from 2006 to 2018). All these editions are digitized and treated by a historian bot. These semantic networks, composed by the most used words in each edition and the edges and nodes among them will be tracked in a temporal network to formulate hypotheses on the transformation of the meaning of Global History through these 13 years. This corpus will be also analyzed under the idea of levels of global meaning: the research on global sources, the narration of global events, the citation of global historiography and the presentation of global conceptions of history. This analysis will propose how global each edition is and if some of them could be considered as an example of globalwashing.


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